Haste to Do Good Deeds for Children in Ukraine!

Haste to Do Good Deeds for Children in Ukraine!

Davy Akadyev: lena I would like to ask you a simple question Why do you do this as a volunteer?

Elena Glickman: I am doing this because of several reasons. Ukraine is my homeland, my “Nenka.” At his time she does not feel good.

Davy Akadyev: Forgive me. This is natural and painful and I feel the same as you And we feel the same across the ocean. But I think that we don’t give reason to our enemy because we can have the tears of Hope, and Faith, and fewer and fewer tears of bitterness, the tears of sadness.

Elena Glickman: I think if we will show an example of good people and children- Light of Goodness we will win.Thru the light, the love, the goodness – only this way. I also congratulate all volunteers because they change the world and I am also glad to be a participant of this moment.

Davy Akadyev: And that is why we are together and that is why we are calling and that is why Elena accepted my invitation with the Slogan Haste to Do Good Deeds for children in Ukraine

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