We create and conduct special programs for Ukrainian children that help them grow as Thoughtful, Passion, Creative, Harmonious, Healthy People with an active life position, knowing and honoring the traditions of their ancestors!
Why do we call this program "Become Кobzarik"?
Kobzares were folk minstrels unique to Ukraine who traveled between towns and sang meditative poems/songs. They were bearers of the culture and history of the Ukrainian people. Kobzares expounded knowledge from ancestors in songs and thoughts, stories, and fairy tales. Kobzares formed the self-consciousness of the Ukrainian people.
Here is the 4 parts of program "Become Кobzarik"
This is an exploration program for children of different ages and their parents traveling over the World wishing to preserve their ancestors' culture, language, and traditions.
This program's main target is to create a cultural environment for enjoyment, friendly discussions, motivate children to learn more about Russian culture, and open up their creative personality.
To improve the psycho-emotional state of the child and prepare one for adults’ life
● To help the child explore oneself and express one's thoughts and emotions.
● To broaden the worldview by developing soft skills.
● Improve one's attention focus, self-control, and memory.
● To get the child interested in developing in one self’s spiritual and moral values, i.e., virtues, by reading and listening to the life- stories of outstanding people of the past and present.
To grow up love in the child to learn about their ancestors' culture and art, incl. Russian Language
● To build up one's vocabulary with words filled up with moral and spiritual values.
● To help the children grow up to love and enjoy reading.
To help the child to look at the World wider
● To introduce the children to languages for acquaintance with our Worlds, such as words, music, sounds, gestures, images, and digits, by studying their Name.
● То show the integrity and beauty of our World by the example of establishing a connection between our Name, the Names of dad, mom, close relatives, and flowers.
Reveal the value of Kinship, Family for Man
● To become aware of one's kinship and family links by learning the history of one's ancestors' names.
This historical journey will improve the child's thinking ability and empower their communication skills in the friendliest environment.
They will become aware of their best personal capability by learning the history of their ancestors' names; they will trust themselves, thus getting to know and love themselves. They will also get to be more confident and open-minded to the World.
They will appreciate the future responsibility of Parenthood, the Family, and their ancestors' historical heritage.
3900 Ford Road, apt. PH-E ,
Philadelphia, PA, US